PARTICULIERS   |   ENTREPRISES   |   0800.741.041

Computer repair

PC & Mac repair shop in Paris

Computer repair in ParisFix computers in Paris Mulot Déclic provides English-speaking PC and Mac computer repair services for desktops and laptops. 30 IT professionals coverthe whole Paris area and suburbs to deliver quality professional services.

A full array of computer repair services in the Paris area

Mulot Déclic professionals are at your service to improve your at-home or small business computer infrastructure and to help you enjoy a reliable and performing computing experience.

Computer servicesHelp for Windows-based systems and Apple Macintosh :

  • Fix mal-functioning computers
  • Repair crashed systems and hard drives
  • Change computer screens
  • Change power supply on laptops
  • Repair or change motherboard
  • Recover and back up data
  • Remove viruses and prying spyware

We repair most brands

Our technicians can fix most computers : HP, Fujitsu, Sony, Apple, Toshiba, Lenovo, IBM, Packard-Bell, NEC, Acer, Asus, etc.

We can fix your computer

1) Call us to set an appointment
2) Our technician fixes your computer at your home, hotel or office
3) If need be our technician can take your computer to our repair center for hardware fixes
4) We bring you back your computer and make sure it is repaired as you wished

Call us for help with your computers

Call us at Mondays through Saturdays from 10 AM to 6 PM
or fill in the contact sheet and we will call you back promptly.

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